Thought that I would post a few pictures of my new crafting space as it is reasonably tidy at the moment! (Click on the pictures if you would like to enlarge them.) I finally have the furniture that I was after. The stack of drawers I already posted about

I now have this lovely new table. It's sold as an office meeting table, and is nice and sturdy. The legs fold up underneath, which means that if necessary it can be cleared out of the room for parties, and can also double up as an extra table for barbeques etc. The two stacks of plastic drawers fit nicely underneath - they are my original craft storage, and at the time I was wondering if I really needed two!

The 12x12 tote that you can see underneath the table between the chair and the filing cabinet houses all of my 12 x 12 paper/card - don't have much of that at the moment! I have a lot of A4 size though, and that is in the filing cabinet in hanging folders. Really pleased with that - so much easier to find what I want, and put it back again afterwards. And all away out of the dust. My chair must be about 15 years old now, and is still comfy!

The last picture shows my area (bottom right of the picture) in relation to the room. This is our family room. I like to be in here, and not shut away in a separate room or shed. I'm right where my youngest is with all her toys so easy to craft and keep an eye on her. In the evening I can craft and be sociable with people watching tv etc. And a nice view of the garden. And as we have another room which is our sitting room, I don't have to put things away for visitors.
I am working on how to store my SU stamps. At the moment I only have a few sets, and they are stood up like books in a shoebox on top of the filing cabinet. But something tells me that I need to plan for more!!

Joanne, that looks fantastic. I wish we had a second lounge for keeping nice and child free. You look very organised as well though which helps :)
I wish I could be that disciplined. I have tons of stuff in boxes in the garage. I bring it into the dining room to work and it gets more and more full as I like everything to hand. When we want to entertain it takes a day to clear up!
Wow Joanne, its fabulous and you are so tidy and organised!!! Ive had to move into my own purpose built shed as we only have a teeny weeny house. Lovely that you can still be with your family too. Thanks for allowing us into your home!
Oh wow! you've got the drawers I've been drooling over for ages!! Great craft space and so tidy!!
Neat crafting space Joanne...
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